conference agenda

Gliwice, June 19, 2020
9.00 – 20:15
event form: video-conference
Ladies and gentlemen,
as formerly announced, we invite you to all-day, free video-conference which will be organised with the use of Zoom.Us platform. You can access the event with Zoom.Us application or through the web browser (
ii link and login data for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 367 856 6975
Password: 940224
ii conference language: Polish and/or English, depending on the panel and the referent
ii all the abstracts of papers will be available in English
ii post-conference articles are also published in English
ii for those interested, consecutive interpreting is provided during the conference
9:00 – 9:15 Opening ceremony
9.15 – 16.00 Panel 1: humanistic and social (representatives of humanistic and social sciences)
Panel 1a: application (representatives of the practice world)
Part 1: Man and technology 9.15-10.15
Part 2: Different faces of progress 10.15-11.45
Part 3: The role of socio-economic environment in creating changes 11.45-12.45
Part 4: Implementation projects and practical implications 12.45-15.00
Part 5: Social and technological advance – international discourse 15.00 – 16.00
16.00 – 19:45 Panel 2: technical (representatives of technical sciences)
Panel 2 a: application (representatives of the world of practice)
Part 6: Praxeological indicators and technology 16.00-17.00
Part 7: Past, present and future of industry 17.00-18.15
Part 8: Technological future – international approach 18.15-19.45
19:45 – 20:15 Discussion, summary of the meeting and the end of conference
Panel 1: humanistic and social (representatives of humanistic and social sciences)
Part 1: Man and technology 9.15-10.15
1. Dr hab. Małgorzata Suchacka (Ph. D), prof. of University of Silesia, University of Silesia, Katowice
„O potrzebie badań socjologicznych nad sztuczną inteligencją (SI)”/ „About the need of sociological research on the artificial intelligence”
2. Dr hab. Urszula Soler (Ph. D), The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin,
Mariusz Busiło, Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Warszawa
„Protesty społeczne przeciwko technologii 5G w czasie pandemii. Studium przypadku” /
„Social protests against 5G technology during a pandemic. Case study”
3. Dr Anita Pollak (Ph. D), Mgr Mateusz Paliga (M.Sc), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Cechy osobowości w modelu Wielkiej Piątki jako predyktory stresu doświadczanego
w pracy z robotem” / „The Effects of The Big Five personality traits on Stress among
robot programming students”
4. Dr Ryszard Marszowski (Ph. D), mgr Piotr Hetmańczyk (M.Sc), Central Mining Institute, Katowice
„Education during the second demographic transition and globalization.
Conditions and forecasts for Silesia Voivodeship”
5. Prof. dr hab. Kazimiera Wódz (prof. Ph. D), Dr Witold Mandrysz (Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Just Transition of Silesia – economic transformation of the post-industrial region in accordance
with the sense of social justice – based on research project for the WWF Poland”
6. Dr hab. Wioletta Knapik (Ph. D), prof. of Agricultural University of Kraków, Agricultural University of Kraków
“Założenia projektu: Gospodarstwa opiekuńcze w rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
wobec wyzwań demograficznych”/ “Project assumptions: Nursing homesteads in the development of rural areas against the demographic challenges”
7. Dr hab. Lilla Knop (Ph. D), prof. of The Silesian Technical University, The Silesian Technical University, Gliwice
„Dostosowanie do pracy w modelach biznesu doby przemysłu”/„Adjustment to work in the business models of the age of industry”
Part 2: Different faces of progress 10.15-11.45
8. Dr hab. Bernadetta Izydorczyk (Ph. D), prof. of Jagiellonian university, Jagiellonian university, Kraków
„Cechy osobowości a wypalenie zawodowe w zawodzie lekarza”/„Personality traits and burnout in the medical profession”
9. Dr Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz (Ph. D), University of Wroclaw, Wrocław
„Empathy and oxidative stress in healthy adults”
10. Dr hab. Piotr Sorokowski (Ph. D), prof. of University of Wroclaw, mgr Marta Kowal (M.Sc), University of Wroclaw, Wrocław
„Can information about pandemic increase negative attitudes toward foreign groups?
A case of COVID-19 outbreaks”
11. mgr Marta Kowal (M.Sc), dr hab. Piotr Sorokowski (Ph. D), prof. of University of Wroclaw, University of Wroclaw, Wrocław
„Social progress, family and ageing: a cultural perspective”
The paper is a summary of the results of 4 works:
a) Modernization and Perceptions of Ageing among the Dani in Papua: The Role of Urbanization and Literacy
b) Onset of an old age in traditional and modern populations – comparison between Hadza and Poland
c) Global perspective on marital satisfaction.
d) Love and birth rate: Evidence from a hunter-gatherer society does not replicat
in 40 industrialized and technologically developed countries
12. Dr Marta Stasiła-Sieradzka (Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Postawa wobec bezpieczeństwa jako predykator poczucia zagrożenia w miejscu pracy
na przykładzie personelu naziemnego portów lotniczych”/ „Attitude towards security as a predictor of sense of danger in the workplace on an example of airport ground staff.”
13. Magdalena Ślazyk-Sobol, University of Wroclaw, Wrocław
„Klimat i więzi w miejscu pracy a odczuwanie zagrożenia i stresu na przykładzie badań empirycznych w branży lotniczej”/„Atmosphere and relationships in a workplace and the sense of danger and stress based on the empirical research in the aviation industry”
14. Dr Mariola Paruzel-Czachura (Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Współczesne trendy psychologii moralności. Na podstawie autorskiej serii badań”/ „Contemporary trends in moral psychology based on the author’s series of research”
Part 3: The role of socio-economic environment in creating changes 11.45-12.45
15. Prof. dr hab. Aldona Frąckiewicz-Wronka (prof. Ph.D), dr hab. Beata Buchelt (Ph.D), prof. of University of Economics, University of Economics, Katowice
„Zarządzanie personelem medycznym w Przemyśle 4.0”/„Management of medical personnel in Industry 4.0”
16. Dr Sebastian Twaróg (Ph. D), dr Krzysztof Szwarc (Ph. D), dr Martyna Wronka-Pośpiech (Ph. D), University of Economics, Katowice
„Multi Probabilistic Travelling Salesman Problem in the coordination and modelling of Industry 4.0: context of drug distribution”
17. Dr Karolina Wojtasik (Ph. D), University of Wroclaw, Wrocław
Alan Orluk, Górnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów S.A, Katowice
„Jak z sukcesem wdrożyć nowe procedury dotyczące bezpieczeństwa? Studium przypadku
na podstawie GPW S.A.”/„How to successfully implement new procedures concerning safety? Case study of GPW S.A”
18. Mgr Piotr Podgórski (M.Sc), EMT Systems, Gliwice
„Dobre praktyki w interwencyjnym podejściu do kształcenia”/„Good practices in an intervention approach to education”
19. Mgr Maria Maśka (M.Sc), Rockwell Automation, Katowice
„HR w nowej rzeczywistości Przemysłu 4.0.”/„HR in the new reality of Industry 4.0.”
20. Mgr Sebastian Gęgotek (M.Sc), WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza
„Nowatorskie podejście do wydłużania aktywności zawodowej seniorów”/„Innovative approach in extending the professional activity of seniors”
Part 4: Implementation projects and practical implications 12.45-15.00
21. Mgr Grzegorz Sikorski (M.Sc), Provincial Labour Office, Katowice
„Rynek pracy i kompetencje przyszłości”/„Labour market and future competencies”
22. Dr Olga Ścigała-Karpińska (Ph. D), Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Warszawa
„Erasmus mobility study and competences demanded on the labour market”
23. Mgr Mateusz Jeżowski (M.Sc), Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Warszawa
„Youth leadership in non-formal education”
24. Mgr Michał Pachocki (M.Sc), Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Warszawa
„The impact of transnational learning mobility on the development of entrepreneurial
and leadership attitudes”
25. Mgr Jan Strączyński (M.Sc), Stowarzyszenie Wzajemnej Pomocy “Agape”
„Job First w streetworkingu jako metoda reintegracji społecznej osób w kryzysie
bezdomności pozaschroniskowej”/„Job First in streetworking as a method of social reintegration of people in crisis of homelessness outside of a shelter”
26. Mgr Magdalena Domańska-Rosin (M.Sc), Centre of Social Integration, Świętochłowice
„Nowe podejście do integracji społecznej i zawodowej na przykładzie spółdzielni socjalnych”/„New approach in social and professional integration on the example of social cooperatives”
27. Mgr inż. Agnieszka Deja (M.Sc eng), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Systemy motywacyjne jako kluczowy instrument zarządzania zasobami ludzkim
w kontekście wdrażania nowych technologii 4.0.”/„Motivational systems as a key instrument of human resources management in the context of implementing new technologies 4.0.”
28. Lic. Natalia Miler (B.), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Aktywność społeczno-zawodowa studentów na przykładzie kół naukowych”/„Social and professional activity of students on the example of research clubs”
29. Mgr Małgorzata Balewska (M.Sc), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Kreowanie kompetencji przyszłości w oparciu o kształcenie dualne”/„Creating future competences based on dual education”
30. Dr hab. Eugenia Rostańska (Ph. D), Prof. of WSB University, WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza
„Orientacja edukacyjna i zawodowa jako czynnik zmiany”/„Educational and professional orientation as a change factor”
Part 5: : Social and technological advance – international discourse 15.00 – 16.00
31. Dr. Martina Kainz (Ph. D), Wirtschaftsakademie Zwettl, Austria
„Use of digital technologies in West Africa as an opportunity for better international cooperation”
32. Dr. Stephan Lingner (Ph. D), Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung und -beratung (IQIB), Germany
„Digitalisation of Work in the Domain of Science and Research”
33. Dr. Aldis G. Sigurðardóttir (Ph. D), Reykjavik University, Iceland
„Do you want to get more of what you want?“ – results of research project
34. Doc. dr. hab. Pavol Dancak (Ph. D), St. Elizabeth University of Health & Social Sciences – Bratislava, Slovakia
Homo perfectus versus educatio: philosophical reflections on transhumanism and education
Panel 2: technical (representatives of technical sciences)
Part 6: Praxeological indicators and technology 16.00-17.00
35. Dr hab. inż. Damian Gąsiorek (Ph. D eng), prof. of Silesian University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
Mgr inż. Artur Pollak (M.Sc eng), APA Sp. z o.o.
„Budowanie świadomości kadry zarządzającej w śląskich przedsiębiorstwach
na potrzeby zmian w kierunku Przemysłu 4.0”/„Building awareness of management staff in Silesian enterprises
for the needs of change towards Industry 4.0”
36. Mgr inż. Maciej Walczak (M.Sc eng), dr inż. Agata Hilarowicz (Ph. D eng), Mgr inż. Artur Pollak (M.Sc eng), APA Sp. z o.o.
„A framework of action for implementation of Industry 4.0. An empirically based research /
Ramy działania służące wdrożeniu Przemysłu 4.0. Badania empiryczne”
37. Dr hab. inż. Jarosław Brodny (Ph. D eng), prof. of Silesian University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Efektywność procesu produkcji górniczej”/„Efficiency of the mining production process”
38. Dr inż. arch. Agnieszka Labus (Ph. D eng), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Innowacyjne sposoby zamieszkania dla starzejącego się społeczeństwa” / „Innovative ways of residency for ageing society”
39. Dr David Kalisz (Ph. D), Mgr Mateusz Panek (M.Sc), Paris School of Business, Paris
“Strategic Shift of Technology. How Industry 4.0 Shapes
New Business Models without Competition”
40. Mgr Sławomir Sobczak (M.Sc), Wojskowe Centralne Biuro Konstrukcyjno-Technologiczne SA, Warszawa
“FUTCAS4.0. Zarządzanie produkcją 4.0.”/“Management of the production 4.0”
Part 7: Past, present and future of industry 17.00-18.15
41. Mgr Zbigniew Pawlak (M.Sc), Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Ziemi Tarnogórskiej
„SMZT jako strażnik dziedzictwa Rzeczypospolitej. O badaniach przemysłu”/„SMZT as a guardian of the Polish heritage. On industry research”
42. Dr hab. Adam Rostański (Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Fitocenotyczne ślady historycznego przetwórstwa kopalin użytecznych w rejonie
Tarnowskich Gór” /„Phytocoenotic traces of ancient processing of useful mineral ores in the area of Tarnowskie Góry”
43. Dr inż. Tadeusz Mzyk (Ph. D eng), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Charakterystyka warunków hydrogeologicznych w dawnych kopalniach rud
w rejonie tarnogórskim”/„Characteristics of hydrogeological conditions in former ore mines
in the Tarnogórskie Góry region”
44. Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Malik (prof. Ph. D), dr hab. Małgorzata Wistuba (Ph. D), Albert Ślęzak
University of Silesia, Katowice, Leszek Chróst, Zbigniew Pawlak, Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Ziemi Tarnogórskiej
„Wykorzystanie obrazów LiDAR do rozpoznawania form rzeźby terenu pochodzeni
naturalnego i antropogenicznego”/„The use of LiDAR images to recognize forms of terrain of natural and anthropogenic origin”
45. Dr hab., prof. of University of Silesia, Piotr Boroń (prof. Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Ośrodek metalurgii srebra i ołowiu na pograniczu śląsko-małopolski
we wczesnym średniowieczu, czyli o podstawach ekonomii państwa piastowskiego”/ „Silver and lead metallurgy centre on the Silesia and Lesser Poland border in the early Middle Ages, or the basics of the economy of the Piast state”
46. Dr Monika Jędrzejczyk-Korycińska (Ph. D), University of Silesia, Katowice
„Fitocenotyczne ślady dawnego i pradawnego przetwórstwa kopalin użytecznych
w rejonie Tarnowskich Gór”/„Phytocoenotic traces of ancient processing of useful mineral ores in the area of Tarnowskie Góry”
47. Dr inż. Zygmunt Łukaszczyk (Ph. D eng), Silesian University of Technology, Rybnik
„Pozyskiwanie i gospodarcze wykorzystanie metanu ze zlikwidowanych kopalń
węgla kamiennego”/„Extraction and economic use of methane from defunct hard coal mines”
Part 8:
Technological future – international approach 18.15-19.45
48. Dr inż. Karol Jędrasiak (Ph. D eng), WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza
„The Research of Driver’s Personal Driving Style on Electric Car Performance”
49. Prof. Anton Rassõlkin, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
„Digital twin for propulsion drive of autonomous electric vehicle”
50. Prof. Ana Paula Rocha, University of Porto, Portugal
„Argumentation in AI systems, the case of reacommodation of airline passengers”
51. Monika Valeisaite, Northtown Technology Park, Lithuania
„Development of Vilnius City Innovation Industrial Park”
52. Prof. Moacyr Martucci Junior, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
„Farm 4.0 – 5G on Farms”
53. Prof. Antonio Adrián Arcienaga, Prof. Miguel Angel Salom
National University of Salta, Argentina
„Common ground of Industrial Engineering and Social Science for Organizational Development”
54. Ing. Miriama Golisová, doc. Ing. Michal Hovanec, PhD., Ing. Samer Abdo Saleh Al-Rabeei,
PhD.,doc. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD., ING-PAED IGIP, Ing. Sebastián Makó, Ing.Ján Lukáč
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
„Fuel contamination of aircraft”
55. Ing. Branislav Rácek, doc. Ing. Michal Hovanec, PhD., Ing. Samer Abdo Saleh Al-Rabeei, PhD., doc. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD., ING-PAED IGIP., Ing. Martin Vencel, Ing. Alena Moravčíková. Ing.Ján Lukáč, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
„Human factor during processing documentation of aircraft maintenance”
56. Ing. Igor Vasilčin, doc. Ing. Michal Hovanec, PhD., Ing. Samer Abdo Saleh Al-Rabeei, PhD.,doc. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD., ING-PAED IGIP, Ing. Sebastián Makó, Ing. Patrik Šváb. Ing. Barbora Wysoczanska, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
„Case study of implementation of modern IT in terms of quality improvement of education process”
57. Ing. Sebastián Makó, Samer Abdo Saleh Al-Rabeei, Ing. Patrik Šváb, Ing. Igor Vasilčin , Ing. Miriama Golisová, Ing. Alena Moravčíková, doc. Ing. Michal Hovanec, PhD.,
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
„Cashflow model of the air carrier”
58. Ing. Patrik Šváb, doc. Ing. Peter Korba, PhD., ING-PAED IGIP, Ing. Samer Abdo Saleh Al-Rabeei, PhD, doc. Ing. Michal Hovanec, PhD., Ing. Daniel Blaško, Ing. Barbora Wysoczanska, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
„The impact of progressive technologies on winter airport maintenance”
59. Dr Peter Koščák, Dr Iveta Vajdová, Ing. Sebastián Makó, Dr Lucia Melníková,
Dr Ján Kolesár, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
“UAV Negative Impact on the Safety of Air Traffic in the Area of International Airports”
60. Mgr Adam Wawoczny (M.Sc), Association of Communes and Districts of the Western Silesian Subregion, Rybnik, Member of the Council of Experts of the Silesia Province
„Professional burnout in public institutions- international analysis”
61. Dr Ewa Figas (Ph. D), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
Wojciech Rokowski, University of Security in Poznań
„Sprawnie o niepełnosprawności – humor i językowe dylematy związane z postrzeganiem niepełnosprawności” / „Speaking ably about disability – humour and language dilemmas related to the perception of disability”
62.Dr Jacek Pradela (Ph. D), Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„The future of skills: English as an important 21st century skill.”
63. Dr hab. Małgorzata Dobrowolska (Ph. D), prof. of Silesian University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
„Social and technological development – what the future will look like?”
19:45 – 20:15 Discussion, summary of the meeting and the end of conference
Registered passive participants:
1. Małgorzata Koszembar-Wiklik
2. Martyna Gąciarz
3. Joanna Paulewicz
4. Marzena Będkowska Obłak
5. Barbara Smorczewska
6. Magdalena Tutak
7. Krzysztof Szostok
8. Maria Flakus
9. Aleksandra Mierzejewska
10. Joanna Mrowiec Denkowska
12. Martyna Piechoczek
13. Mirosław Rus
14. Aleksandra Rolling
15. Małgorzata Labus
16. Krzysztof Rostański
17. Bernadetta Sojka Jany
18. Marcin Lutyński
19. Marcin Rybkowski
20. Giovanni Herreira
21. Linda Nierling
22. Cecilia Matsumura
23. Pascal Vetter
24. Juan Francisco Garcia Diaz
Please send your questions to the office of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on the mailing address: or call to 32 400-3095, 885-951-905.
You are welcome!
International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice
Minister of Science and Higher Education
National Centre for Research and Development
Marshal of the Silesia Province
Dead of the Gliwice district
President of the City of Gliwice
JM Rector of the Silesian University of Technology
Provincial Labour Office in Katowice
Katowice Special Economic Zone
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice
Foundation for the Development of the Education System
· Provincial Labour Office in Katowice
· Association of Communes and Districts of the Western Silesian Subregion
· Silesian Center of Competence of Industry 4.0
· University of Economics in Katowice – College of Economics, Department of Public Management and Social Sciences
· Jagiellonian University in Kraków– Department of Management and Social Communication, Institute of Applied Psychology
· University of Wrocław – Institute of Psychology
· University of Silesia – Institute of Psychology at the Department of Social Sciences
· University of Porto, Portugal
· Cranfield University, Britain
· Technicka Univerzita v Košicach, Slovakia
· Nyenrode Business University, the Netherlands
· Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina
· Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung und –berating
· Reykjavik University, Iceland
· St. Elizabeth University of Health & Social Sciences – Bratislava, Slovakia

X International Conference „Social and humanistic sciences and technical sciences – the scope of cooperation for social and technological advance” organised in Gliwice on June 19, 2020 in the Education and Congress Centre ul. Konarskiego 18B, Hall: D, E , J, is financed under the programme of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name “DIALOG” in 2016-2019 ″
Conference is realised as a part of the project of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. The project approved for funding through a competition announced on July 1, 2016 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education as a part of the “DIALOG” programme constituted by the Statement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of June 27, 2016 on the establishment of the program called “Dialog” (M.P. poz. 596).
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