She obtained the title of a doctor of technical sciences in 2016 at the Faculty of Mining and Geology (currently the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation) of the Silesian University of Technology. 

The field of her scientific activity is concentrated on the issues related to broadly understood safety in the working environment, especially to the subject of assessment of the ventilation hazards in the area of conducted mining activities in underground hard coal mines, with particular emphasis on methane hazard and endogenous fire hazard. Other fields of her scientific and research work include the following thematic areas: the use of numerical methods for the assessment of the ventilation hazards in the region of conducted exploitation in the hard coal mines; predicting methane concentration with the use of artificial neural networks in the hard coal mines; the assessment of dust hazard in the region of conducted mining exploitation; the research on the gas flow through the porous media, taking into account the scale effect and model similarity; the bench research on the gas flow through the porous media, including determination of aerodynamic resistance of the media; the use of taxonomic methods for the multi-option analysis and the research on similarity of the hard coal mines in terms of methane emission and the amount of methane drainage; the research on similarity of the EU countries in terms of emission of dust and gas pollution to the atmosphere, with the use of taxonomic methods; the analysis of the similarity of the EU countries in terms of producing energy from the renewable sources, with the use of taxonomic methods; the research on effectiveness of the use of mining machinery, including the influence of ventilation hazards on the effectiveness of their utilization with the use of industrial automation systems and big data analysis. 

During her scientific work at the Silesian University of Technology, she has been participating as a contractor in 6 research projects and one statutory work for young scientists. She acted as a leader of 5 statutory works (including 2 for young scientists). The value of the Hirsch index equals 12. The total value of the Impact Factor index for the research papers equals 31.6. She is an author and co-author of 100 research papers. The results of conducted research were presented during 19 science conferences of international reach. For her scientific publishing activities, she was awarded by the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology with a second-degree pro-quality grant. She is also an author and co-author of 4 patents. In 2018, she represented the Silesian University of Technology at the „Shaping the Market Potential for Industry 4.0 in Poland” conference , organised by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in a discussion panel in which she acted as an expert. In 2018, she completed „Incubator of Industry 4.0. Leaders” training. Since 2018, she acts as an Advisor of Industry 4.0. at the Silesian Centre of Competence of Industry 4.0. Within this activity, she has been responsible for conducting the analysis of the possibility of implementing the Industry 4.0. concept in manufacturing companies and suggesting the solutions to increase their production efficiency. In December 2019, she became a laureate of the 47th National Competition for the Improvement of Working Conditions in which, together with a team in the category of scientific and research works, she was awarded with the 1st degree award for the solution “Integrated method of limiting the risk of endogenous fires in hard coal mines”. In 2017, she made two scientific visits at the foreign centres, at the HTW Dresden (Germany) and at the CEIT Żylina (Slovakia). She actively participates in the publication review process. Until now, she has prepared over 80 reviews for scientific journals from the JCR list (e.g. Journal of Environmental Management, Energies, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Sustainability, Water, ACS Omega).